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By Appointment

Cacao is a beautiful heart-opening plant medicine. When consumed in a ceremonial setting, raw cacao can be a transformative experience. Just like all plant medicines, when we partake of sacred cacao, we connect with the spirit/energy of the plant.

One of the most common experiences in a cacao ceremony is an increased connection with your inner-self as well as an opening of the heart chakra. This powerful combination of effects may assist with any transformational shifts you’re going through. Whether it’s self-exploration, removal of blocks, patterns and/or traumas—whatever it is you’re working towards, a cacao ceremony can be a powerful aid in your journey.

With cacao, you may feel a great sense of euphoria, you may feel sadness–what you feel and experience is all dependent on the intention you’ve set. Either way, your heart will open in a powerful and transformative way.

The Cacao Ceremony

A cacao ceremony typically lasts between 3-5 hours. We’ll start off with each of the participants sharing an intention. After the intention setting, we’ll drink a cup of cacao.

* Note: I make the cacao from 100% raw/pure cacao imported from Guatemala. When the cacao drink is made, it is infused with love and Reiki energy.

After we drink the cacao, I’ll guide you through a meditation to connect with and open your heart chakra. Then, we’ll open up a sharing circle and share what we’re working on. Please note that the purpose of drinking cacao is to open up and if you’re not “open” to “opening up” in a group environment, this may not be the ceremony for you.

After an hour or so, I’ll get a sense of where you are. If you’re not feeling the effects of the cacao, I’ll serve you a little more. If you are feeling it, then you’ll be in a great place to go inside. We’ll continue on with meditation, sound healing, Reiki and whatever else comes up. I tend to let the flow of the ceremony guide the plan.

During the ceremony, I will make sure that you have time to journal and note the effects. You can even write about what your mind and/or emotions are doing. If you don’t write things down then you may not remember. It’s nice to be able to reflect in the days after the ceremony.

What Is Cacao?

Cacao is 100% legal. In fact, Cacao offers many health benefits. Cacao is also 100% natural and organic. Cacao beans are grown on trees in Central and South America. Processed cacao beans eventually become chocolate. During the process of turning cacao into chocolate, the beans lose much of their “magical powers”. I do add other ingredients to the mix: a touch a cayenne (which helps activate the cacao) and organic coconut sugar for sweetness. Pure cacao has a bitter taste.

Keep in mind, cacao does not get you high or send you on a “trip”. It is not a hallucinogen or psychedelic. As mentioned before, the spirit of the cacao plant

Who shouldn’t partake in a cacao ceremony?

Individuals currently taking any SSRIs medication, antidepressants, low blood pressure medication, or those undergoing chemotherapy treatment should consider not working with cacao.